All speeches given by Robert W. Wood (unless otherwise noted)
Tax Traps in Class Action Settlements: Avoiding Overtaxation of Plaintiffs and Nondeductibility for Defendants, Strafford, Webinar, August 26, 2020.
Tax Issues with Settlement Proceeds and Deducting Legal Fees, San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association, April 7, 2020.
Contingency Fee Trap Under Tax Reform, Strafford, Webinar, October 29, 2019.
Tax Considerations for Magistrate Judges, The NDCA Magistrate Judges Retreat, October 18, 2019.
Tax Issues in Litigation After Tax Reform, Western Economic Association International 94th Annual Conference, June 29, 2019.
Personal Injury Settlements: Anticipating Impact of Tax Reform on Settlement Proceeds, Strafford, Webinar, May 7, 2019.
Settling Employment Cases: Coming to Terms and Drafting the Agreement, with John F. Hyland and Sarah Robertson, Continuing Education of the Bar, University of California, March 20, 2019.
Personal Injury Settlements: Anticipating Impact of Tax Reform on Settlement Proceeds, Strafford, Webinar, May 7, 2019.
Settling Employment Cases: Coming to Terms and Drafting the Agreement, with John F. Hyland and Sarah Robertson, Continuing Education of the Bar, University of California, March 20, 2019.
Tax Law Changes/Impacts, 2019 Certified Structured Settlement Consultant Professional Certification Program, National Structured Settlements Trade Association, March 8, 2019.
Tax Issues in Settling Employment Cases Under the New Tax Law, Santa Clara County Bar Association, February 26, 2019.
Proper Accounting of Case Expenses for Tax Purposes, with Michael J. Swanson, Advocate Capital, February 20, 2019.